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Expert Facilitation and Training

We are natural facilitators; it's our passion and our expertise.  We bring a wealth of experience as facilitators, which is enhanced by our journeys as leaders, professionals, mentors, and coaches. 


We offer both Learning Programs (long term programs, 3 to 12 months) and Learning Sessions (1/2 day to 2 days).


As facilitators, we continue to be curious and learn as well - we leverage current neuroscience to identify how adults learn best and organizational development approaches to make it stick. 



experience positive behavioural competency changes


feel more
and capable


learn new skills

that they can apply immediately


experience improved interpersonal skills, work performance & wellness


prediction of success

in a role or

leadership level

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1 | Professional & Leadership Development Learning Programs

We offer blended leadership programs for professionals, leaders, and executives.  They are 3 to 12 months long, use a cohort method, and on average takes 2 to 4 hours of employee time per month.


Our blended programs are customizable and include:

  • SuccessFinder psychometric assessment to measure professional and leadership competencies and identify growth areas and strengths 

  • Monark learning platform for self-directed micro-learning based on the leading professional and leadership development research

  • Regular facilitated cohort sessions to integrate the content and build accountability to use new skills within day-to-day operations

  • One-pager tools, supervisor coaching questions, and other types of support materials to build up your internal toolbox


Our learning programs focus on:

  • Unlocking Performance:  Leading High Achieving Teams, Unlocking Creativity, Personal Excellence, and Optimizing your Human Capital

  •  Engaging with Others: Building Trust & Relationships, Negotiating & Resolving Conflict, Leading Through Conflict & Incivility 

  • Promoting Inclusivity:  Embracing Diversity & Inclusion, Being an Inclusive Leader, Building an Inclusive Organization

  • Resilience & Well-Being: Navigating Challenges, Leading Resilient & Adaptive Teams, Fostering Psychologically Healthy Organizations

  • Ethics & Integrity: Ethics & Integrity Essentials, Being an Ethical Leader, Cultivating an Ethical Organization

  • Visionary Leadership: Inspiring to a Collective Vision, Coaching Teams to Success   





We offer sessions for professionals, leaders, and executives that can range from 1/2 day to 2 days.  Popular sessions are listed below, and we can create new sessions customized for your needs: â€‹

  • Team Building - Build team relationships and incorporate learning at the same time.  A variety of assessments, tools and topics can be used to customize the session.  

  • Team Effectiveness - Increase effectiveness by measuring how your team solves problems, works with each other, and manages adversity, while facilitating the team to work together to build an action plan forward.  

  • Empowering Leaders Through Coaching - Increase the ability of leaders to drive performance through coaching techniques.

  • Your Brain on Change 1-day course – Increase change knowledge and capability of employees impacted by change.  

  • Strategic Change Leadership 1-day course – Identify leadership actions for leaders to support their teams through change. 

  • Strategic Change Sponsorship 1-day course – Clarify the role of effective executives & senior leaders and identify actions to support their organization through change.

  • Strategic Change Management Planning & Execution 2-day course – Increase knowledge and capability of organizational teams to plan and execute change. 

2 | Professional & Leadership Development Learning Sessions 



All facilitators of programs or sessions are:

  • Qualified facilitators with minimum 10 years of experience & have educational credentials relevant to the training 

  • Have a minimum of 10 years education & experience in the topic they are facilitating 


We commit to:

  • IAF - The International Association of Facilitators Code of Ethics focusing on being service to clients, avoiding conflict of interest, respecting group autonomy, using processes and tools responsibility, building safety and trust, being impartial, maintaining confidentiality, and striving for continuous improvement. 

  • ACMP - The Association of Change Management Professional's Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, focusing on a duty of honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, advancing the change management discipline, and supporting other change practitioners

  • ICF - The Internal Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics and the responsibility as a coach to clients, the coaching practice and performance, professionalism, and society

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